10 Cara Olahraga Otak 10 Lukisan Paling Terkenal di Dunia 10 Situs Berita Teknologi Terbaik 10 tip merawat ban apa itu kamera mirrorless Audio audio komputer avanza cara hemat bbm daftar makanan surabaya daftar warung surabaya diet Evolusi android evolusi windows evolusi windows dari masa evolusi windows dari masa ke masa Fitur baru windows 10 foto terbaik instagram 2012 frekuensi suara Gadget Gede Prama golongan darah google search headphone Hemat BBM Hitung Pemakaian listrik Ijoker excel Ijoker IEM Review Ijokerl IEM excel Inovasi Apple Inovasi Apple dan google Inovasi google Inspirational jarak antar speaker jarak speaker ke dinding Jenis Headphone jenis jenis kopi jenis kopi Jenis oli jus alpukat kabel kabel audio kabel dan konektor Kamera mirroless kerja Kesehatan kiat hemat bbm Komputer komputer audio konektor konektor audio Kuliner listrik Logitech g402 logitech g402 review lukisan paling terkenal di dunia lukisan salvador dali macam jenis headphone macam kopi macam macam kopi makanan daerah indonesia makanan indonesia Makanan Khas 33 Provinsi di Indonesia Makanan Khas Indonesia makanan khas provisi makanan surabaya Managemen energi manfaat alpukat Manfaat Kopi memanaskan mesin mobil membeli headphone membersihkan interior mobil membersihkan jok kulit membersihkan jok mobil membersihkan mobil abu memilh kaca film mobil memilih headphone memilih oli menghitung pemakaian listrik Meningkatkan kualitas video pada media player classic mie instant terlezat mie jepang mogami mogami 2534 mogami 2893 neutrik nissan juke nismo nissan juke nismo tdkr nissan nismo nissan nismo tdkr olahraga otak otak otomotif oyaide Panduan membeli Headphone Panduan memilih Headphone panduan memilih oli peletakan speaker yang baik peletakanan speaker Pemakaian listrik penjelasan kamera mirrorles perawatan mobil musim hujan Perayaan Malam Tahun Baru di Berbagai Penjuru Dunia Perbedaan DVD Perbedaan DVD+R dan DVD-R perkembangan windows psikologi raket raket badminton ramen Sejarah kopi Sennheiser setting equalizer soba Spooring balancing Staging dan Imaging surabaya switchcraft Tarif listrik tdl listrik timeline apple timeline google tip merawat ban tip merawat ban mobil Tips and Trick tips hemat bbm tips media player classic Tips memilih kaca film mobil tips memilih oli tips memilih raket badminton tips peletakan speaker tips peletakan speaker yang baik tune up udon viablue warung warung surabaya windows 10 shortcut xenia

50 Tips supaya tidur lebih nyenyak

Berikut ini ada 50 Tips supaya tidur kita bisa lebih nyenyak sehingga waktu bangun badan bisa lebih fresh :D


Try these methods to get more out of every night's rest.

  1. Get on a regular schedule: Following a regular schedule can improve the quality of your sleep by keeping your sleep phases consistent.

  2. Open a window: Get some fresh air to improve the quality of your sleep.

  3. Reduce or eliminate caffeine: Caffeine can mess with your energy levels and disrupt sleep patterns, so reduce or eliminate use of it, especially in the hours before you go to bed.

  4. Only sleep in your bed: Use your bed exclusively for restful activities, not work or TV.

  5. Don't go to bed with a full stomach: Going to bed with a full stomach can result in disruption, because digestion takes energy.

  6. Meditate: Focus on relaxing to let yourself get better rest.

  7. Stay away from the computer and TV: Backlit screens can stimulate your brain in a way that's not conducive to sleep.

  8. Realize that sleep is vital: Give yourself all of the time you need to get a good night's rest.

  9. Don't snooze: If you're snoozing every morning, you're stealing valuable moments of quality sleep. Set your alarm clock later and get up right away.

  10. Write out what's on your mind: Create a worry list to put things out of your mind and get to sleep.

  11. Don't stress yourself out: Don't force yourself to sleep if you're not tired, or become worried when it takes you a while to get to bed. Sleep will come eventually.

  12. Sleep in a dark room: Limit your exposure to light in order to keep your body's internal cycles intact.

  13. Drink something warm before bed: Raise your body temperature to induce sleep with warm milk or herbal tea.

  14. Never go to bed hungry: Just like a too-large meal, going to bed with an empty stomach will disrupt your sleep.

  15. Don't smoke before bed: Nicotine is a stimulant, and can cause awakenings.

  16. Take a moment to relax before bed: Ease yourself into sleep with a good book, bath, or favorite TV show.

  17. Don't stay awake in bed: If you can't fall asleep, get up and do something boring until you feel sleepy again.

  18. Keep your pets off the bed: Your pets can trigger allergies or movements in the bed, which can interfere with your sleep.

  19. Use sunlight to improve your biological clock: Expose yourself to the sun first thing in the morning so that you reset your internal clock.

  20. Exercise: Regular exercise will give you deeper, more restful sleep because your body needs physical exertion to recover from.

  21. Don't watch the clock: Looking at the time in the middle of the night can breed anxiety, so just avoid it.

  22. Don't drink a night cap: Even though alcohol can help put you to sleep, it will cause you to wake up during the night, even if you don't notice it.

  23. Avoid excessive napping: If you nap too much during the day, you could throw off your sleep cycle and make it hard to get a good night's sleep.

  24. Avoid drinking fluids before bed: Drink too much before bed, and you could find yourself waking up to urinate.

  25. Take melatonin: Get your sleep schedule back on track by taking melatonin for a few days.

  26. Use earplugs: Using earplugs will reduce or eliminate distracting noises that can interfere with sleep.

  27. Make your bedroom a comfortable temperature: If your bedroom is too hot or too cold, you'll have a hard time getting to sleep and enjoying a full night's rest.


Use these assessments and tools to learn more about how you sleep and what you can do to make it better.

  1. What's Your Sleep Surroundings IQ?: Take this quiz to see just how much you know about the ideal sleeping environment.

  2. Sleep quality score: Learn just how well you're sleeping with this tool.

  3. Sleep Disorder Evaluation Tool: Find out if you have problems sleeping with this evaluation tool.

  4. Zzzz Score: Find out if your pillow is helping or hindering your way to a better night's sleep.

  5. Stress Test: Take this test to pinpoint stress areas in your life that might be causing sleep problems.

  6. Sound sleeping: Use these relaxing noises to put yourself to sleep.

  7. Causes of sleep problems: Try this checklist to see where you're having problems sleeping.

  8. How to Shop for a Mattress: Test your mattress IQ using this quiz.

  9. Healthy sleep lifestyle: Find out how your habits may be affecting your sleep quality.

  10. Caffeine meter: Take a hard look at your food and drugs to find out how much caffeine you take in every day.

  11. How to Care for a Mattress: Once you've got a mattress suited to your needs, find out if you're taking care of it properly with this quiz.

Articles & Guides

Follow these articles and guides to get even more helpful information on getting higher quality rest.

  1. How to Sleep Better in 8 Steps: Follow these steps from wikiHow to get a better night's sleep.

  2. The Better Sleep Guide: This PDF guide offers loads of solutions for improving the quality of your sleep.

  3. Top 10 Ways to Sleep Smarter and Better: Use these tips to stay more alert and focused on quality rest.

  4. How to Sleep Well: Stanford offers a few tips and things you can do to get to bed and enjoy quality sleep.

  5. The Truth About Pillows: Check out this article to find out how your pillow can affect the quality of your sleep.

  6. Sleep problems are costly: See what sleep problems can do to you if you don't keep them in check.

  7. Tips for getting to sleep faster and sleeping better: Get straight talk on how to sleep better from this blog post.

  8. 17 Healthful Sleep Tips: Follow these tips from sleepbetter.org to improve the quality of your rest.

  9. SleepNet's Tips for Better Sleep: In this list, you'll find important tips for a better night's rest.

  10. How to Sleep Better: WebMD offers a number of solutions for better sleep.

  11. Good Health Rests on a Good Night's Sleep: Read this article to find out just how important it is to get a good night's rest.

  12. Ten Tips for Better Sleep: Follow these tips, and you'll have a much healthier sleep cycle.


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